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2024/25 - NHLP's 34th Season & Playoff Highlights
Saturday Night Staying Alive
Running Points 160
Draft Order |
GM (Lives) |
Week #4
(NO More Re-entries)
Lives Added |
Week #3
(Re-enter) |
Week #2
(Re-enter) |
250125 |
1 |
Scott |
1 - J. Robertson |
3- Pastrnak 3-1-4 |
2- Forsberg 0-2-2 |
2 |
Ryan |
2 - |
1- Crosby 1-1-2 |
3- Zuccarello 1-1-2 |
3 |
Chad |
3 - |
4- Pararin 0-1-1 |
5- Reinhart 1-0-1 |
4 |
Shawn |
4 - |
2- Connor 0-1-1 |
6- Barkov 0-2-2 |
5 |
Matt (2) |
5 - |
6- Rantanen 0-0-0 |
4- Hymen 0-0-0 |
Joel |
5- McDavid 0-0-0 |
1- Marner 0-1-1 |
Players Choosen By Each GM So Far |
Ryan |
Shawn |
Scott |
Chad |
Joel |
Matt (2) |
1- Crosby 1-1-2 |
2- Connor 0-1-1 |
3- Pastrnak 3-1-4 |
4- Pararin 0-1-1 |
5- McDavid 0-0-0 |
6- Rantanen 0-0-0 |
3- Zuccarello 1-1-2 |
6- Barkov 0-2-2 |
2- Forsberg 0-2-2 |
5- Reinhart 1-0-1 |
1- Marner 0-1-1 |
4- Hymen 0-0-0 |
Each GM can only take a player once.
If your player does not get a point, the 25th, 1st or 8th, you may rebuy
in or you are out. However, come the 22nd (after Four Nations Cup) there
are no more Rebuys.
Come the 22nd, whoever entered the most, everyone else has that many
LIVES (at no cost) before they are out.
If we make the NHL PLAYOFFS: We will pick every night there is a GAME 7
(This will be in hopes of having a winner by the Stanley Cup Finals if
we get that far)
GM with most points previous week, drafts first. Goals beat assists. If
GM's tie, player drafting further back previous week picks ahead
Name |
Score=> |
#1 |
#12 |
#2 |
#11 |
#3 |
#10 |
#4 |
#9 |
#5 |
#8 |
#6 |
#7 |
Total |
Bryce |
Eagles (2 or 3) = 8 |
Chiefs (7) |
Chiefs (6 or 8) |
Chiefs (2 or 3) = 8 |
Eagles (7) |
Eagles (6 or 8) |
3 |
Eagles (6 or 8) |
Eagles (2 or 3) = 8 |
Chiefs (7) |
Chiefs (6 or 8) |
Chiefs (2 or 3) = 8 |
Eagles (7) |
Marcel |
Eagles (7) |
Eagles (6 or 8) |
Eagles (2 or 3) = 8 |
Chiefs (7) |
Chiefs (6 or 8) |
Chiefs (2 or 3) = 8 |
Matt |
Chiefs (2 or 3) = 8 |
Eagles (7) |
Eagles (6 or 8) |
Eagles (2 or 3) = 8 |
Chiefs (7) |
Chiefs (6 or 8) |
Andrew |
Chiefs (6 or 8) |
Chiefs (2 or 3) = 8 |
Eagles (7) |
Eagles (6 or 8) |
Eagles (2 or 3) = 8 |
Chiefs (7) |
Shawn |
Chiefs (7) |
Chiefs (6 or 8) |
Chiefs (2 or 3) = 8 |
Eagles (7) |
Eagles (6 or 8) |
Eagles (2 or 3) = 8 |
Charlie |
Eagles (2 or 3) = 8 |
Eagles (6 or 8) |
Eagles (7) |
Chiefs (2 or 3) = 8 |
Chiefs (6 or 8) |
Chiefs (7) |
Matt |
Eagles (6 or 8) |
Eagles (7) |
Chiefs (2 or 3) = 8 |
Chiefs (6 or 8) |
Chiefs (7) |
Eagles (2 or 3) = 8 |
Chad |
Eagles (7) |
Chiefs (2 or 3) = 8 |
Chiefs (6 or 8) |
Chiefs (7) |
Eagles (2 or 3) = 8 |
Eagles (6 or 8) |
Scott |
Chiefs (2 or 3) = 8 |
Chiefs (6 or 8) |
Chiefs (7) |
Eagles (2 or 3) = 8 |
Eagles (6 or 8) |
Eagles (7) |
Chad |
Chiefs (6 or 8) |
Chiefs (7) |
Eagles (2 or 3) = 8 |
Eagles (6 or 8) |
Eagles (7) |
Chiefs (2 or 3) = 8 |
Joel |
Chiefs (7) |
Eagles (2 or 3) = 8 |
Eagles (6 or 8) |
Eagles (7) |
Chiefs (2 or 3) = 8 |
Chiefs (6 or 8) |
Rules |
Two people are awarded
points for each score during the game starting with Score #1
and if 13 = 1st again |
Must have the correct team. Saftey or Field
Goal = 8 Points. Scores of 6,7,8 = 6, 7 or 8
Points |
4th Quarter & OT= Double
the Points. All Scores in the 4th Quarter are
Doubled. So a Field Goal is 16 Points, TD's
12, 14 or 16 |
Entry is $20 (x 12 Tickets
= $240 Prize) One winner who has the most
total points at the end of the game |
If a 13th score occurs,
the 13th score = 1st and so on again |